Mobile Home Masterclass 

Proven Strategies for Success


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Stop leaving money on the table!

Learn how to improve your life by investing in Mobile Homes!


Meet Adrian Smude - Mobile Home Investor

Adrian Smude headshot photo

Adrian embarked on his real estate career in 2002, driven by a passion for lifelong learning.

He attributes a significant portion of his achievements to his unwavering commitment to continuing education and nurturing relationships with respected mentors. By implementing the knowledge gained and taking decisive action, he has built a thriving business that aligns with his personality and desired lifestyle.

With a desire to inspire, Adrian seeks to share his ideas, successes, and failures, igniting a spark within YOU to take meaningful action and manifest a life that reflects your deepest passions.

While Adrian has explored various avenues of investment, including notes, single-family homes, mobile homes in parks, and wholesaling properties, he found his true calling in the niche of Mobile Homes with land.

From this, he has devised a remarkable system that empowers him to live his vision of geographical freedom. 

Passionate about teaching and ensuring that the knowledge imparted by his mentors lives on, Adrian believes that everyone deserves to manifest their dream life.

His goals revolve around educating and inspiring you to take decisive ACTION!

By sharing his wisdom, experiences, and practical insights, Adrian aspires to equip you with the tools and mindset necessary to pursue your own educational and inspirational journey.

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"Adrian Smude book and masterclass has really helped in my real estate investing journey. So much information and easy to understand. Very beginner friendly."


-Maria Hernandez

"I believe that Adrian is extremely knowledgeable about the mobile home industry & I'm excited to learn more from him."


-Christina Scull

"Adrian is a down to earth, and easy to relate to kind of guy.

His training is well laid out and organized, and he has nuggets of wisdom others miss."


-Deane Louise

"Awesome presentation on mobile homes and investing.

Gave me clarity as an investor who has not touched this asset class yet. Highly recommend!!!"


-Lee Cool

"If Adrian is doing something, it is done well, with intention, clarity, compassion, fun and thorough knowledge of what he's talking about.

He is in the trenches, having fun and sharing - daily."


-Carol Kostic

"I highly recommend Adrian's tactical skills 👌. Investing in mobile homes has never been easier. "



-Ginger Gonzalez

Mobile Home Masterclass


  • Understand why mobile home investing is so profitable.
  • Understand the different ways to invest in mobile homes.
  • Know how to finance mobile homes of ANY age.
  • This Mobile Home Masterclass includes the digital workbook and the opportunity to ask questions clarifying questions within the lessons.

When you take this course you understand mobile homes, so you can wholesale, buy, fix, rent, and flip them.